Lab 057: Volcanic Winters, Microplastics, and More: Live from the Great Northern Festival
About This Lab
In our live recording of Lab 057, we are at the Great Northern Festival in Minnesota’s Twin Cities! When you want to talk about winter, where better than one of the coldest places in America? Join us for an incredible convo about volcanic ash, snowflakes, microplastics, and ocean acidification.
Winter is coming
Colder winters and warmer summers, more frequent hurricanes and rising waters are all interconnected
The ocean is getting spicier, it’s acidifying
It’s capturing carbon dioxide
On a log scale, ocean is moving 0.1 in acidity but that actually accounts for 30% change in acidification
This is bad for the crustaceans and snails because their shells are dissolving because of the acidification of the ocean
Plastic in the ocean
Plastic can’t degrade
It’s in our clothes, in our everyday things, in city dust, tires, the road
After precipitation, a lot of these microplastics are getting washed into our water systems
Over 8 yrs scientists examined salps, sea creatures that propel themselves and eat by taking in water and expelling it
In all 100 salps, they found micro plastics in their stomach
Scientists estimate there’re 8 mil micro plastic particles PER CUBIC METER
There a micro plastics in the SNOW
Snowflakes start as vapor and when they reach their critical mass, they start to fall
When a volcano has a powerful eruption, it can decrease global temperatures 2-3 degrees
Scientists can take out ice cores and get evidence that a volcanic winter has occurred
When snow hits the ground in durham
Apparently ppl abandon their cars and the city shuts down
Trucking industry is impacted by this and then groceries become scarce in stores because no new product is being shipped
If it’s colder, you’re smarter?
People in colder temps have the major key #DJKHALED
Guest Expert
This week, our brilliant hosts and scientists Titi and Zakiya put us on game about the science behind so many wintry phenomena like volcanic winters, what’s really in our snow, and what happens when snowfall makes a city shut down.
You can read along with this lab here.