LAB 044: 2021 Mixtape

casette tape with lab 044: our 2021 mixtape in yellow text above the tape. below the tape text reads @dopelabspodcast

About This Lab

At the end of the year, we try to recap all of the things we’ve seen around us. Pull out your lab notebooks and get ready to drop some of your favorite moments in the comments.

2021. What a time to be alive!

I don’t know how it felt for you, but this past year really showed me that time is just a social construct. Somehow January was 12 weeks long, but December only lasted three days. Make it make sense!

The good news is that we might have made some progress in science communication over the past year. My friend shared a Wired article about how the pandemic is making us more scientifically literate, and it’s too good not to pass along.


You’re probably all Zoom-ed out from 2020, but not to fear Facebook aka Meta is the bulk of our technology segment. Separate from the name change, there was lots of talk about joining the metaverse. Get your avatars ready, we’re moving into our computers! Some folks like it, and some are giving major pushback. Which camp are you in?

Even though we didn’t have time to talk about it in the lab, this was a huge year for crypto, bitcoin, NFTs, and ethereum. There’s a lot to unpack there - maybe a lab in the future?

Health & Wellness

After a whole year of staring at our faces on Zoom in 2020, we might have began to fixate on the way we look. Plastic surgeons reported increased consultations for Botox once offices reopened and are attributing some growth to “Zoom dysmorphia,” coined by Dr. Shadi Kourosh.

While the first wave of pandemic demand saw a rush on facial procedures in response to a significant surge in Zoom calls and downtime for discreet recovery at home, the national survey results show that tummy tucks (22%) and liposuction (17%) are among the top procedures that women who are extremely or very likely to consider procedures within six months are seeking. The reason is attributed to weight fluctuation during quarantine, and more time to consider procedures long delayed due to time or cost. - American Society of Plastic Surgeons

In this lab, we focused on a procedure with more risks than botox - the Brazilian Butt Lift, better known as the BBL.

An anatomical illustration of butt vasculature from Sobotta's Human Anatomy 1908

An anatomical illustration from Sobotta's Human Anatomy 1908


The BBL can be broken down into 3 main steps

  1. Liposuction of the thighs, abdomen, and/or other areas

  2. Separation of fat from other liquids collected during liposuction

  3. Fat transfer to buttocks to produce desired shape/volume

Some of the risk with BBLs occurs when fat cells get into the bloodstream via arteries and veins in the butt. Once fat is in the bloodstream, it can get into the heart or lungs and may cause issues or in some cases, death. Additionally, the surgery is difficult to perform and more non-board certified doctors (& in some cases doctors that are not plastic surgeons) are performing the surgery.

Other trends

  • Increased use of Telehealth to avoid in-person appointments during pandemic

  • Wellness apps covering everything from physical & mental health to sleep tracking


We tracked the timeline of political stories, and honestly, there were too many to name. The theme seemed to be civil rights. We missed many stories (remember the podcast is ~30 minutes), but additional ones are linked below. If you have one to share, drop it in the comments!


We saw high-profile athletes like Simone Biles & Naomi Osaka priorities their health!


Combining sports and music, we saw one of our faves, Megan Thee Stallion, scored big with a Nike deal.

There was plenty more to see in the world of music.

A Few of Our Favorite Things

Some of our favorite science:

TITI - 3D Printing Biofilm

ZAKIYA - In vivo CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing


Read the transcript for this lab.